The Surprising Military History behind Fluffy Dice

Fuzzy dice - love them or hate them - are a staple car accessory. But where did they come from?

The use of fuzzy dice is believed to be traced back to American fighter pilots during World War II.

Pilots would hang the dice above their instruments displaying seven pips before a 'sortie' mission for good luck. 

It is also speculated that the dice represented a high degree of risk. Fighter pilots knew the risks each time they flew, and the dice served as a good luck charm. Coming back unscathed was a ‘successful roll of the dice’. 

Upon returning after the war, many airmen continued the tradition - although with plastic dice, not fluffy ones. 

After the war, these dice entered their hot rod era. It was suggested that a driver displaying dice was ready to race.

Because of their increase in popularity, the 1950s saw fuzzy dice become one of the first items sold specifically to be hung from a rear-view mirror. 

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