SAS Legend Des Powell Visits Forces Cars Direct

Former Special Forces and Parachute Regiment member Des Powell visited the Forces Cars Direct office on the 1st of February. He came to not only pick up his new car, but to talk to the founder and director Steve Thornton about ways they could help members of the armed forces community, both past and present. They both couldn’t help but share a few stories from their own time serving, too!

It's an honour to be working with someone of such prestigious experience like Des Powell - a true example of British fortitude. His story is simply incredible, working to develop the Parachute Regiment’s High-Altitude jump techniques and, most famously, join the Special Air Service, where he spent 20 years in its Counter Terrorism and Special Projects team.

This experience would eventually lead him to being deployed in Gulf War 1, where he was second-in-command of Brave Three Zero patrol. This is the story he tells in his book SAS BRAVO THREE ZERO: THE EXPLOSIVE UNTOLD STORY:

There were three patrols that fateful January 1991 morning: Bravo One Zero, Bravo Two Zero and Bravo Three Zero. It was the opening hours of the Gulf War and the SAS were flown deep behind enemy lines to hunt down Saddam's Scud missiles...

The men of Bravo One Zero stepped off the chopper, took one look at the flat desert devoid of any cover and decided no way were they deploying into all of that. But Andy NcNab's famed Bravo Two Zero patrol did deploy, with fatal results - all bar one being captured or killed.

And then there was Bravo Three Zero. These men were different. Thought differently. Acted differently. Treating as gospel the SAS's saying 'any fool can be uncomfortable', they deployed with vehicles, and while there was nowhere to hide they could make a dash for the border if desperate.

Even as warnings came in that McNab's patrol was on the run, Bravo Three Zero remained undetected - the furthest Coalition forces behind Iraqi lines. Slipping through enemy positions, a string of targets were taken out. But with the desert turning bitter and snow starting to fall, they were forced to fight a running battle against the elements as much as the enemy.

A story of survival, duty and daring, Des and co-writer Damien Lewis tell a story rich in detail and suspense. BRAVO THREE ZERO even made it to No. 1 on both the Sunday Times bestseller chart and on Amazon.

FCD Summary

We look forward to working with Des to build a stronger community together, and to help all those who served to save money.

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